May 20th, 2009 | Posted in Miscellaneous by Anne Brewer
May 10th, 2009 | Posted in Miscellaneous by Anne Brewer
My mother was an indoor gardener, a lover and collector of houseplants. During high school, my mother gave me my first houseplant, a Crassula ovata, or jade plant, as she must have known I needed a succulent- low maintenance. When I left for college I was growing a Philodendran cordatum, or Heart-leaf Philodendron, so long it was trailing up and along the window molding and around the closet door frame. I, also, had a small collection of African violets and, of course, my jade plant. Even though mom was never tolerant of our southern heat and humidity, she would fondly reminisce about her mother’s Alabama flower garden. Mom’s favorite flower that her mother grew was Convallaria majalis ‘Bordeaux’ or Lily of the Valley. I think it was these coversations with her that gave me the deep connection I have with flowers, gardening, and people.
This morning my salmon colored Pelargonium x hortorum, or geraniums, spoke to me, reminding me of a fun time in my life. For about ten years every March around the second week, my mother-in-law would come to visit. It was her birthday week and she would come to celebrate it with our family. Anna would arrive between three and four o’clock in the afternoon with the back of her stationwagon loaded with huge salmon colored geraniums. Sweet joy! My heart would sing with the rejuvenating new life of spring! Being late winter, my lawn had not “greened-up” yet and my flower garden wasn’t in full swing, so to see those rich salmon, spherical, floral clusters so boldly shooting out from the ruffled edged, deep green, round leaves was sheer exuberance for me! Her annual birthday visit always heralded in spring a week early!
What gardening, flower, or nature connections do you have with your mother? Please share.
May 5th, 2009 | Posted in Miscellaneous by Anne Brewer
I’m always a little hesitant or woeful about traveling this time of year because of what I might miss blooming in my garden. Although I had a wonderful excursion to San Antonio for my best friend’s wedding celebration, I knew I would miss the peak blooming days of the New Dawn climbing rose and the Daisy Gardenias in my backyard.
I returned yesterday afternoon and what was left of the roses was beaten off by a much needed torrential rain storm. I’m sad I missed them blooming, but the rain made everything else come alive with color and energy. It won’t be long before my agapanthus, daylilies, and hydrangeas bloom- so there’s always something to look forward to in the garden.
As I’m writing this, my friend Paula is photograghing my garden. She has a wonderful eye and I can’t wait to see what she has done! I’ve referenced her blog in my favorites so please check it out and see how gifted she is with the camera. I’ll post some of her work later.
April 25th, 2009 | Posted in Butterfly Gardening by Anne Brewer
I have had a pretty hectic schedule the last couple of weeks and have not been tending the butterfly garden. Looking out the kitchen window I’d see a butterfly here and there looking for nectar. Alas, nothing “nectarish” was blooming- ugh!!! Finally, I went to The Garden Gate for my favorite butterfly plants. I loaded down my car with red pentas; purple, pink, and white (because I love white in my garden) verbena, milkweed, parsley, passion vine, liatris, and much more!
Yesterday, I worked in the garden all day (and do I feel it today!) and got most everything planted. Later, I sat on the patio to observe. Sure enough, here comes a beautiful Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and it found the purple verbena! I just love it. There’s plenty of fennel and parsley now for egg laying… Now the fun begins!
I didn’t have my camera when I saw the swallowtail so the photograph is a shot I took of the same type of butterfly at Sewanee, Tn. when I was there for a retreat last spring. It lit on vinca vine in the woods.