Spring in the Woodland Garden
April 3rd, 2014 | Posted in Miscellaneous by Anne Brewer
Strolling through the garden in the spring never fails to provide an element of surprise. Something new happens everyday. When I come upon a plant responding to the warm days of Spring with rebirth or new growth I delight in it all over again as if I’d just planted it. This afternoon I spent more time in the woodland garden where I’ve been focusing on the Japanese maple ‘Crimson Queen’ and finally, …there’s the upshoot of the nearby hosta!
I’ve had these hostas (three in a mixed bed) for years, faithfully returning ever spring. I can’t begin to tell you the name and it’s not particularly showy, but I always look for its spring emergence with anticipation, as if I’m waiting for Yellowstone’s Old Faithful to erupt.
And just beyond the hosta is a favorite of mine: the Dryopteris erythrosora or Autumn fern. I have it as an accent plant grouped with the Japanese maple, loropetalum, and hydrangeas. When the fiddleheads unfurl into their copper-red fronds it’s a beautiful compliment to the similar color of the Crimson Queen maple and loropetalum.
Although short lived the bronzy autumn color of the fronds is a pretty combination with the burgundy of loropetalum and Japanese maples.
So, what are some of your favorite spring arrivals? Is it the rebirth of a beloved daffodil or iris, or is it the unfurling of beautiful foliage in general? So much to enjoy!
Tagged Acer palmatum, Japanese Maple, LinkedIn