Winter Interest
February 11th, 2010 | Posted in Landscape Design by Anne Brewer
Here’s one good thing for a gardener who is tired of winter: if you plant material that has winter color like camellias, Japanese magnolias, red bud, etc., you can cut the branches and bring them inside to enjoy.Try forcing bulbs, too, to give you a lift that carries you through the second, and often very cold and bleak half of winter.
- Winter color
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oooh aunt anne! great idea! I’ll bring some red into my white kitchen with my camellia! you need to come visit again!
That’s a great reminder, Anne. We found some flowering crab apple in the neighborhood, when you bring it indoors the blooms open up and they’re soooo beautiful! I think we have snow forecast for the near future, which is kind of exciting.
Anne, the red sounds fabulous!! I wish I had some red camellias in my yard. One thing, they may do better if you float the blooms in water. I did cut the branches on the picture above but the blossoms fall off quickly. If you float them they last longer. Put them all over- on the coffee table, beside your bed, in the bathroom….
Crab apple blooms are beautiful- I saw on your blog where you had done the same- snip some branches to bring indoors! It really does help me get through the winter. Yes, possibly snow tomorrow!!