The Final Touches Only Landscape Can Provide
July 9th, 2012 | Posted in Landscape Design, Miscellaneous by Anne Brewer
Sometimes it’s hard to imagine a finished product while in the throws of construction. No matter how well the builders try to keep the area neat and orderly, the site can look rough and bare.Almost complete, this beautiful Mediterrean style home with its sun baked ochre color yearns for the final softening touches only landscaping can provide.
Canary Island Palms flank the front entrance and Washingtonia Palms anchor the corners of the house.
To ensure the decorative stone facing remains visible low growing shrubs and ground covers of dwarf yaupon hollies, agapanthus, and liriope were selected as the under plantings near the foundation.
Rising up like a phoenix, the specimen Canary Island Palm commands attention in the center island bed with Loropetalum ‘Purple Diamond’, Maiden Grass ‘Adagio’ , and Lantana “New Gold’ standing guard. The lush green encompassing the whole is the Empire Zoysia turf grass.
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