A Visit to Birmingham, Alabama
October 5th, 2010 | Posted in Miscellaneous by Anne Brewer
I had been eying an SLR digital camera for some time but I silently vowed that I would not progress beyond my Canon point and shoot until I learned how to use all the functions it had. However…. I fell one morning with my camera in hand while taking photographs of swallowtails that had just emerged from their dreamy chrysalis sleep.
The eternal optimist that I am, I firmly believe that for every negative there is a positive, and voila- hello Rebel Canon T2i!!
To fill you in between my fall and my trip to Birmingham: I took my camera to a shop to see what repairs, if any, could be made, and while there I took a look at the Canon Rebel T2i just for kicks. Well, the rest is history. I had no problem justifying the purchase – after all my camera was broken, albeit not beyond repair, but in my business I can’t afford to be without a camera. A month in the repair shop simply wouldn’t do. Right? Right.
Now I have this wonderful new camera with meager knowledge as to how it functions. But, I just so happen to have a fine young son who is a talented photographer and owns a similar camera. And, I just so happened to be planning a visit to see him in Birmingham…
Troupe was so excited about my new purchase and growing interest in photography that he arranged for us to spend Saturday morning in the Pepper Place district where the farmers market is located and some fabulous gardening, antique, and architectural shops.
After feasting our eyes on the vivid colors of the produce and flowers we strolled around the corner to find a lovely garden shop…
Following a couple of “must have” purchases and taking lots of images under Troupe’s tutelage, we wondered across the street to Architectural Heritage. There we came upon exquisite architectural pieces for the interior and exterior. As we wandered through the gated outdoor area we found beautiful European architectural elements: urns, fountains, tables, iron, gates, etc. Perfect for instantly aging your garden.
My patient son waits while I continue to improve my photographing skills in one morning. He’s a great teacher and my Saturday morning shopping was all the more sweeter with his company. Thank you, Troupe.
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Love the new camera~~~The pictures are so much clearer and crisp looking!!! Great looking Son also!!! Glad Troupe had the time to give you a lesson
Beautiful pictures!!! I need a camera upgrade too!
Congratulations on the new camera, Anne, you must be so pleased and so excited. Well played!
My blogging buddy who has the Birmingham Daily Photo blog covers The Pepper Place on a regular basis so I know it had to be a wonderful experience for you and to have Troupe along made it even more special. I look forward to seeing all your new photos.