As much of our country grinds to a chilling halt, enduring the onslaught of the umpteenth winter storm for the season, there are reverberations rippling across the nation. Word is out that Phil, the groundhog hailing from Punxsutawney, Pa., failed to see his shadow! That my folks is good news, according to centuries old tradition! For if Phil had, indeed, seen his shadow he would have been frightened back into his place of hibernation for another six weeks of frigid air.
(The above image is from the website.)
February 2nd is the pivotal point of winter when we begin to focus on the arrival of the spring equinox, another six weeks away. We hold on to the hope of the shadowless groundhog-that the remaining weeks may be milder, not that spring will arrive any earlier.
My grandmother, an avid gardener, loved Groundhogs Day. Every January she would sit by the warm fireplace, planning her garden and ordering seeds from her favorite seed companies. By February 2nd she was ready! Like her, I am ready- Mother Nature, bring on the spring weather!!
While growing up my brother-in-law’s family celebrated Groundshog Day by giving his mother yellow flowering plants or bouquets. As an adult, Fred continues this tradition in his own family, giving his wife and two daughters yellow flowers on February 2nd. Over time I have been included in his lineup of womenfolk, and have become an excited and grateful benefactor of the famous Groundhogs Day bouquets! Look what arrived this chilly morning.
Many thanks, Fred! They are beautiful and they warm my heart!
Believe it or not shades of Spring are beginning to emerge. Be on the look out in your landscape and elsewhere for flowering bulbs, such as crocus, daffodils, irises, etc.

Look up as well, for flowering trees are harbingers of spring soon to be bursting into bloom! Look for these images in the next post…
Happy Groundhog Day everyone!